Helping managers raise performance and morale to see their employees thrive

PRESS RELEASE: COQUILLE, OR – In his new book Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently, ($19.95, Paperback, ISBN# 9798655917125; $9.99, Kindle e-book), Wheeler speaks to the heart of managing effectively – helping employees thrive and increase their performance. He writes with transparency to ask the hard questions about managerial practices and provides applicable insights to map a pathway to employee success. He illuminates these insights with real world examples gleaned from interviews and observations in working with managers and their teams over several decades. As a coach, Wheeler goes one step further providing easy-to-use tools and exercises that characterize the actions of remarkable managers who Lift the performance and morale of their teams.
Great managers build high performance by consistently building ownership, working facts, knowing their people and themselves, managing activities, and building a climate of hope. In contrast, besieged managers tend to be more dictatorial, emotionally unpredictable, lacking in self-awareness, consumed with employee failures, and cynical.
Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently offers a way forward for anyone looking to improve the way they manage their team.

Raymond L. Wheeler is a retired executive coach and pastor who possesses a knack for asking probing questions and speaking truth to power. His humor often numbs piercing insights. He is a recognized speaker on leadership and faith. He serves as an adjunct professor of research and ministry at LIFE Pacific University in San Dimas, California. He holds a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, and a Doctor of Ministry from Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, California. He is the author of Change the Paradigm: How to Lead Like Jesus in Today’s World. He resides in Coquille, Oregon, with Janice, his wife of 46 years. He regularly delights in the contributions of his three adult children and in the joy of relating to four grandchildren. When not found working with managers and leaders, he enjoys art and sailing.
Download the full Press Release here
What leaders are saying about LIFT by Dr. Ray Wheeler…
“…an excellent book for practitioners. I recommend it, and I have added it to my library.”
Christopher Kellner, Assistant Professor, Cornerstone University
“Dr. Wheeler expertly and succinctly gives managers in nearly any type of organization tools to love people towards personal and organizational success. He distills decades of organizational behavior and development research, case studies, and his personal experiences into a simple 5-point model for loving people to success.”
Dr. Mick Bates, Associate Professor of Marketing, Taylor University
“…a must-read for managers and leaders of any organization. From supervisors and department leads to pastors, non-profit leaders, and CEOs, everyone’s leadership can benefit from Ray’s tried-and-true guide of experimentation, reflection, and evaluation.”
AA. J. Zimmerman, Career Center Director, Azusa Pacific University

Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently is now available for purchase on in the following formats:
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Case Studies

Case Study: Create Ownership, Not a Dictatorship
Connect the outcome sought by the strategic plan to the day-to-day activities of the business unit and the ambition of employees to show how both contribute to a larger purpose.

Case Study: Work Facts, Not Emotion
Engage the rigor needed to define excellent performance so that feedback and coaching focus on measurable outcomes and actions. Without transparent metrics, management can tend to whiplash between emotional outbursts and relative calm while trying to motivate better production outcomes.

Case Study: Know Your People And Yourself
The self-awareness rooted in feedback and a learning orientation is expressed in knowing each team member’s strengths, stress points, and skills so that each works from their best self.

Case Study: Manage Activities Not Results
Coach, train, and adjust employee focus based on measurable actions that produce desired outcomes versus threats, brow-beating, and berating around missed goals and quotas that alienate talent and deplete emotional energy.

Case Study: Build a Climate of Hope, Not Cynicism
The upbeat mood of management is responsible for driving a positive climate of hope that, in many cases alone, differentiates companies into high versus low profits and growth.
Read the new book, “Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently” for practical ways to raise performance and morale, see your employees thrive, and your bottom line grow.

Purchase your copy on Amazon today.
Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently is now available for purchase on in the following formats:
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