Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently
In his new book Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently, ($19.95, Paperback, ISBN# 9798655917125; $9.99, Kindle e-book), Wheeler speaks to the heart of managing effectively – helping employees thrive and increase their performance. He writes with transparency to ask the hard questions about managerial practices and provides applicable insights to map a pathway to employee success. He illuminates these insights with real-world examples gleaned from interviews and observations in working with managers and their teams over several decades. As a coach, Wheeler goes one step further providing easy-to-use tools and exercises that characterize the actions of remarkable managers who Lift the performance and morale of their teams.
Great managers build high performance by consistently building ownership, working facts, knowing their people and themselves, managing activities, and building a climate of hope. In contrast, besieged managers tend to be more dictatorial, emotionally unpredictable, lacking in self-awareness, consumed with employee failures, and cynical.
Lift: Five Practices Great Managers Do Consistently offers a way forward for anyone looking to improve the way they manage their team.
…or Learn more about Lift, read the case studies, and see the Press Release here.
Change the Paradigm: How to Lead Like Jesus in Today’s World

Change the Paradigm: How to Lead Like Jesus in Today’s World is a clarion definition of servant leadership to every organizational context. As congregations grapple with what ministry looks like in a post-COVID-19 world Ray’s insights take on even greater importance. It is a handbook that demonstrates how the idea of servant leadership goes to work in the leader and the organization. It investigates leadership through five perspectives: (1) the lens of Jesus’ call to serve; (2) the missional impetus of the church and its foundation in a future hope made present now; (3) the latest insights from research into effective leadership; (4) the influence of an organization’s development on leadership practices; and (5) leadership development. Servant leadership is fundamentally a transforming perspective and composite of personal motivations that impact how the act of leading is engaged. Changing the leadership paradigm engages a personal relationship with God that changes the way a leader defines: self, ambition, personal values, situational awareness, and the development of other leaders.
Buy Change the Paradigm now on Amazon!