About Raymond L Wheeler, DMin

I use my retirement to befriend leaders. I know firsthand the joys, sorrows, crises, successes, and failures accompanying the act of leading. More importantly, I realized how my leadership significantly impacted people discovering purpose and meaning in life and work.

I became intrigued with the power of good leaders and the devastation engendered by mediocre and toxic leaders. So, during my mid-career graduate program, I shifted my focus to leadership in every venue where people work. The focus has taken me into different industries to learn and test what I observed about leaders.IMG_7579

I became an executive coach and leadership development specialist. I have conducted social research for large and small organizations designed to explain why certain behaviors routinely occur. I work with leaders in business and the non-profit world. Being in these different settings confirms the importance of good leadership to employee morale/engagement and organizational outputs.  It also helped me define what good followership means to leadership success and organizational flourishing. I enjoy helping women and men leverage their strengths, discover the power of spirituality, expand their emotional capacity, and exercise awareness of how their style impacts those around them.

Janice and I enjoy the cumulative wonder of 50 years of marriage and the delight of a growing number of grandchildren.  We give back to our community by serving on boards and committees. We delight in hosting guests and spending time with family and friends.

Let’s talk about keynote addresses, consultation, adjunct work, training seminars, or coaching, contact me at admin@raywheeler.com. I am available to do intensives or seminars worldwide. 

For more information, see http://www.linkedin.com/in/drraywheeler.

2 Replies to “About Raymond L Wheeler, DMin”

  1. Found you as I was researching for a presentation I’m doing on mentoring. Glad I did. I’m also a Grip-Birkman coach. Love leading others through that process. Look forward to reading more of your posts.

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